As the page says, this is "Just a quickie". No comment about the rocks, so I'll let you take that as you wish. X) Now uh, just FYI, on Monday next week is the start of the new schedule for the next story arc. The schedule is planned to be Mondays and Thursdays, but I'll save those details about it for next week.
To kick this off, I've drifted by a few webcomic lists to update some information here and there that's only had a skimming of the comic's actual information thrown in by nice folks that had more initiative than I did. Can't blame 'em, most folks really don't know what this comic is about (my fault entirely), so I summed it rather nicely, if I do say so myself.
These webcomic lists include (so far) The Belfry and The Webcomic List. We've snagged a banner for TWL and put in the navigation bar on the left. It works sort of like a voting system, but not quite sure on the specifics. (I think it may be traffic related. So if you want to see the summary of this comic, or leave a comment/review) then just follow that blue box over there. The same goes for Belfry, though we don't have a link yet for that.
Oh and I almost forgot, speaking of the navbar over there! We've got quite a few new links to take a look through! First of those is the STORE. It's pretty self explanatory and I'll get into that more next week.
And next on the list is that we've finally got a bio page!! There will be more to come, such as basics of the kuvrahk race and world of Cavrissian info that any newb to the comic should have easy access to.
And finally, don't forget that there's a Links Page as well! Recently we've done a link exchange with a very sexy and interesting webcomic called Draconia Chronicles. I've not had a chance to just sit down and read through it, but even at a glance I like the style and I like the material. It's something I honestly envy. So I says go check them out yourself!
Alright I think I've said enough this update, I'm sure I'll find something else I forgot to cover for next week.
Later, taters.