Well, time to do a bit of gushing.
Remainaery has really done it this time and I love every bit of it. I mean really, gift art for meee?! Why thank you! I was stoked and still am when I was shown the various works in progress of this image. Seriously, this is pretty epic in my opinion and I urge you to go check out his deviantArt gallery for more of the awesome.
I'm not sure what else to say. I think its a right and proper "follow up" splash image of what happened in the current arc. As Remainaery put it, Sasha is basically saying "Dude! Can't put controller down! Highscore! Chip me!".
I should seriously showcase giftartings more often.. This one I find to be very different than the norm as it pertains specifically to the current arc and almost continues it. Anyway, thank you bunches, Remainaery. Good times.. good times...