I'm updating this now because I'm taking a full break til after the new year. I think that I've been pretty good on the constant updates the past few weeks so maybe I deserve it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
It's been a good personal test of what I'm capable of when it comes to page production and so far, so good. I'd mention quirks about this particular page, but I'll leave any discussion of it to the forum members.
You know since everyone is doing it..er.. done it.. I finally got me one of them there Twitter things a while back. So here's the usual pitch: Follow me on twitter! "Dedgummitt" is the name. It's the only place I personally announce livestreams and comic updates.
I'd link it better, but I ain't used to all these newfangled buttons and I might screw it up. I'm serious. Heck I don't even own a cell phone, haven't for four and a half years. That might give you an idea of how out of the loop I am. Or how much I just don't care. ^____^