And the official end to the chapter is here.
And so marks the start of a pretty hefty hiatus as I go into the final steps to making the next chapter all good and done. So from now until further notice there will only be lil' one-shot, single page comics and updating maybe once a week at best. The plan for this hiatus is two months and when that's done things will pick up again full force!
In the meantime there are forums to go to, and an IRC chat to visit if you wish to interact with the community. It's all up on the sidebar there, and links to other comics in the links section.
Interested in Altermeta stickers?! You can view them here on FurAffinity! If your curious on how to get an Altermeta sticker, you can get them for $3 in the US and $5 internationally, just email webmaster[at]!
Thanks for the support, dear readers. ~_^ Spread the word!